Tuesday, January 31, 2012

FBC: Day 2

So to keep my hair from getting too tangled last night, I left the French braid in -- this morning my hair was all frizzy and wavy so instead of doing a bun, I went with another braided style.

Three-Braid Bun

It looks much more intricate than it actually is.  Section your hair off into three sections, braid each section, and braid the three braids.  Coil into a bun and pin in place.

Yaaaay!  =P

[And thanks Jess for saving me from "ghetto" pictures.]

Monday, January 30, 2012

FBC: Day 1

(Forgive the terrible photo quality and angles; I was lazy and used my phone my arms are not very long or flexible.)

Daytime: Corkscrew

This style is more appropriate for shorter hair -- I get 3 (or more) coils and it looks silly as you can see on the side profile.  I prefer this for softer hair -- it secures better.  The excessive coils can be mediated for longer hair by pinning them down.  I'll try to show an example of this later.

Night (Forrestal): French + Bun

French braids are not supposed to be bunned at the end and I see why when I see most people do it -- it looks messy and the bun sags because it's not secured.  To fix this, I braid it down to the end and then pull it straight up and put two (or more) bobby pins at the base to secure and wrap firmly around to create a higher and sturdier bun.

Comments are welcome!  (Send me your thoughts and suggestions for what I should do next!)

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Five Bun Challenge

Hello Ladies.  Happy New Years!

Since we've started school up, I realize I've been tediously using the same bun every day and lately it's been looking progressively shabbier.  So I am challenging myself (and anyone who wants to join me!) to do your hair different every day of the week.  =)

I'll update again with pictures for this week!

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Happy New Year's!

I'm hesitant to do this, but on request I am offering hair appointments for special events.

Specifically: Memorial Ball and I-Ball.
Less Specifically: Your next hot date, the next time you play dress up.

Please contact me if you're interested in this!  =)